
Creativity in the format of code

Hello, I'm a software developer! I like to express my creativity using code, both in software and hardware designs. Here you can see some of my best projects in a broad range of languages and technologies! If you need something, feel free to contact me!

My best works

Book a Teacher - Front-end
React Redux JavaScript
Ruby on Rails Postgres Heroku
Ruby Telegram-Bot-Ruby Heroku
Curinga Arbtec
C/C++ Arduino Processing
Colete Matchvision
C/C++ ESP8266 HTML/CSS/JavaScript

About me

I'm in love with many technologies, ranging from hardware to web apps. And I enjoy very much working with people that take teamwork seriously. I believe that 1% of 100 people deliver the whole.

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JavaScript (ES5/ES6) C/C++ Ruby HTML CSS Python


React Redux/RTK Bootstrap Ruby on Rails RSpec Capybara Selenium Arduino


Bootstrap Bulma Github Linux Heroku Terminal Teamwork Leadership Time management